This past week, I've been knee-deep in Clojure data structures -- mostly persistent vector and hash-map. The goal has been to provide replacements written in pure Clojure that can be ported to ClojureScript, but it has also been a great way to learn about how these structures work. So in this post, I'll try to summarize what I learned, and give some the results of my hacking.
I started this project inspired by a tweet by David Nolen. I can't find it any more, but he mentioned that he had ported the persistent-vector data structure to JavaScript and that he was hoping to use it in ClojureScript. That made me think: since the ClojureScript compiler now supports languages other than JavaScript as its backends, wouldn't it be helpful, at least for those backends, to port the data structure to pure Clojure, so that any ClojureScript backend could use it?
So I did. The result is here. Instead of merely mechanically porting the Java into Clojure, I tried to really understand what was going on. The gist is really simple (and has been talked about before): the vector is actually a tree with branching-factor 32, and a buffer of size 32. When you add to the vector, you really add to the buffer if you can, copying the buffer before writing to it. When the buffer fills up, it is put in the tree, and again nodes are copied rather than simply written-to.
This procedure means that adding an element is a \(O(\log n)\) operation, but the constants are really good: for one thing, the base of the \(\log\) is 32, so the influence of the \(\log n\) in the overall running time is pretty small even for very large \(n\). For another thing, the \(\log n\) penalty is only incurred on every thirty-second insert. Most inserts are constant-time.
Another cool feature is the way that the tree is structured. Each node has its children in an array of length 32. This means that the subtree that contains a given element can be found very quickly by simple bit operations. To find the subtree containing element \(i\) in tree level \(k\), you shift \(i\) to the right by \(5k\) places and take the rightmost 5 bits. This procedure would work with arrays that are of length of any power of 2, where you replace 5 by the \(\log_2\) of the length.
Anyway, László Török had pretty much the same idea as I did (and the author of gvec.clj, which is in the core distribution, had the same idea before either of us), and his code was better-tuned than mine, so it is what went into the new release of ClojureScript.
An aside
When vectors are created in Clojure (but not yet in ClojureScript), they are created by way of a transient vector. The idea behind this is that the transient vector is only around for the creation of the vector, so it does not need to be persistent. Thus, it does not need to use the copy-on-write policy that persistent vectors use. In order to build a larger vector, it simply adds to an empty vector using the same procedure that I outlined above.
Theoretically at least, that is not the optimal algorithm. The trees can be built from the bottom-up (much like heaps), giving a \(O(n)\) algorithm, which also has very good constants. I haven't computed the constant, but it should be less than \(1 {1 \over 16}\). I implemented this algorithm in Clojure, but the difference in constants between Clojure code and pure Java code, and the fact that the constants in the Java implementation are so low meant that my implementation was slower even for very large \(n\). I may one day try to port my bottom-up algorithm back to Java, but I kind of doubt it would make much difference. Sometimes the theoretically better solution just isn't better in the real world.
Hash Maps
I also had a look at hash maps. The basic idea behind any hash-map is to store a key-value pair by first computing the hash of the key to something much smaller – in Clojure's case a 32-bit integer – and then storing the pair in a location based on that hash. There are many ways that this could be done, and I had a look at the Java implementation used in Clojure and decided that I didn't really want to do much more porting. So I came up with a couple of ideas that are related to Clojure's way of doing it.
The first idea was to make the same tree as used in the vector implementation, but to fill it in only as needed. In essence, this was a sparse vector. The Clojure implementation does something similar to this, but goes one step further by using a bit-map to signify which branches of the tree are actually used. In this way, it can avoid copying arrays that are mostly full of placeholders.
The next idea was a bit more radical. It involved making a radix tree of the input data. Of all my experiments, this might have been the most successful. In Clojure, its performance is very close to the built-in data structure. In ClojureScript, for some reason it is much faster at storing new data than the built-in data structure but somewhat slower at retrieving data. I am thinking that there must be some JavaScript-specific reason for this, but I haven't found it yet. It could just be that the ClojureScript data structure is asymmetric in the opposite way (I haven't yet looked very deeply at it).
In all cases, the theoretical running times are pretty much what you'd expect. To either insert a new key-value pair or to find a key, it's basically the sum of the time needed to hash the key, a constant to find the place where the key is stored, and then something proportional to the number of other keys that have the same hash value that have been inserted so far.
In practice, large collections must be hashed each time they're inserted or searched for, so using them as keys is probably not a great idea. In Clojure, negative numbers hash to one less than their absolute value, so there will probably be collisions if you use a large number of positive and negative numbers as keys, but it's not that big of a deal, since the number of collisions generated by this is at most two.
At the very least, this was a good way to learn what's really going on under the hood. I also did a lot of tuning – not only adding typehints, but re-implementing some lazy functions to be non-lazy -- which is certainly good experience. I never made a data structure that was faster than one of the ones implemented in Java, but I got pretty close in both cases. In order to get meaningful tests, I had to do things in a very big way: putting millions of things in vectors, and querying hash-maps hundreds of thousands of times. Most programs will not do these operations at such scales, and most of the tests still took less than a second on my underpowered laptop. That makes me think pretty highly of the existing data structures in Clojure.